The New Norm

Leadership & Remote Working
Leading a business remotely requires an abundance of skills that may not be in the kit bag of every leader out there. It takes additional planning, creative thinking and sometimes a little trial and error before we get it right!
As we enter into the 'new norm', it is important that internal communication increases from leaders, motivation support is increased and at some point in the future the top talent you originally hired will need to increase their skills, so personal development should remain on the agenda.
Once you and your team are back on the road - and you will be - you'll need your stars to still be shining and their skills to be better than your competitors!
Why not get in touch and let me help you
My top tip for leaders at a time of significant change is to be AUTHENTIC.
be yourself, not false
be true to your beliefs, your values are you
be open, share your thoughts and feelings
be in this moment
At the end of the day, you have been a great leader of people in the physical workplace, so you can be a great leader of people in the remote workplace too.
As UK businesses start to return to the 'new normal', you may be facing some unexpected challenges, new working practices or wanting to evaluate how to get people back into the a physical workplace
The LOCKDOWN TOOLKIT, provides bespoke designed plans and tools to support leaders, managers and team members return to work with a little more ease
Based on the business need it seeks to address and support
re-entry syndrome
remote working practices for the long term
leadership of a dispersed workforce
wellbeing of all
employee engagement
effective communication
I can support you in identifying, planning and implementing actions to make to sure your business is ready to succeed.
If you need fast, reliable HR support, please get in touch.