Our September factsheet is now available to view and download.
This month we discuss work-related stress and what you can do about it...

The new school year has commenced and for many teachers and support teams it is a delight. Refreshed from the summer break, the sun is still shining and a whole new class of eager beavers to educate.
But for some it is met with dread and often fear, in fact more colleagues than you would imagine are likely to be suffering from stress and the diseases associated with stress.
As reported by the National Education Union [NEU] “the education sector has one of the highest levels of work-related stress”.
Obviously, as a senior leader, you value your staff, colleagues and pupils’ wellbeing greatly, but how do you tackle this increasingly growing concern?
The latest published figures by the HSE stated over 12 million working days were lost due to work-related stress, depression or anxiety in 2016/17. Over a million of these working days were amongst teaching and educational professionals.
Employers have a legal duty to protect the health, safety and welfare of their employees, this includes both their physical & mental wellbeing.
Simple Steps
CC in HR can work with you to recommend support & guide you in remaining legal, following best practice and creating a positive working environment which helps to combat stress leavers.
What is the Impact?
Stress isn’t always a negative if kept at our optimal state
Negatively impacts personal health
Harms the working environment
Interrupts student learning & affects outcomes
Puts a strain on school finances
What does it look like?
Increased absenteeism
High staff turnover
Poor time keeping
Poor performance and productivity
Low morale
Poor motivation
Increased ill-health & accidents
What can YOU do about it?
Carrying out a stress audit is a sensible place to start. Make sure you act on your findings!
Consult with staff, reps, unions even appoint wellbeing champions.
Consider resilience methodology
The impact of stress and other mental health conditions can be very costly and time consuming; taking some proactive steps in advance will help to elevate some of the issues mentioned and positively impact the overall employee engagement and wellbeing of all staff and ultimately student outcomes.
Work with us to ensure you are meeting the HSE employer obligations & creating a high performing team.
Together with CC in HR, you will identify the stress hot spots, create an action plan & low-cost solution using the current best practice techniques.
Book an initial consultation by 30th 2018 to receive your complimentary personlised stress hot spot report worth £150.