May 22, 2020Blog #11 - How to make tough decisions.Most of us are finding the need to make tough decisions daily at the moment, however, I would say they are just tougher than others we've...
May 12, 2020Blog #9 - Innovation: A Lockdown PositiveOk, so how many people are feeling that the days are getting a little too long now and/or experiencing cabin fever setting in? I sure did...
May 1, 2020Blog #8 Do you lead teams? - Take Action Now...I hate the saying 'it's never too late', because it could be. The past few weeks which for all have been rather different, lets say, have...
May 1, 2020Blog #7 - Is Furlough creating indirect discrimination?I am now in week 5 of lockdown shielding and moving through my own change curve, I think I am entering stage 3 on the curve - Direction,...
May 1, 2020Hole in One!6 week in to isolation shielding and I think I am doing pretty well! Ok I have limited clients right now but feel I have converted my...
May 1, 2020Return to work... More than just a form!Hands up all HR teams members who agree??"?" - a return to work process in the past was really a 'cover your arse form' for most managers...
Apr 14, 2020Blog #6 Leadership - Seriously Trump?WARNING: Sorry.. I am having a little rant today! Any of my regular readers, clients and friends will know how much I praise authentic...
Apr 9, 2020Blog #5 Virtual Meetings - make them engaging PLEASE 🥱Yawned again today after my 4th virtual meeting in quick succession. I don't understand why hosts of online video link meetings treat...